Results for 'Sandra Margrethe Gudmundsen'

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  1.  38
    Book Reviews : The Past as Future by Jurgen Habermas: Interviewed by Michael Haller, translated from Vergangenheit als Zukunft by Max Pensky. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln,1994. Cloth, $35; Paper, $12.50. [REVIEW]Sandra Gudmundsen - 1997 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 27 (2):265-278.
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    Book Reviews : Jurgen Habermas, On the Logic of the Social Sciences, translated by Shierry Weber Nicholsen and Jerry A. Stark. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA and London, England, 1988. Pp. xiv + 220. $12.50 (paper). Originally appeared in Philosophische Rundschau in February 1967. Published in book form in the volume Zur Logik der Sozialwissenschaften, 1970, Suhrkamp. [REVIEW]Sandra Gudmundsen - 1997 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 27 (1):139-146.
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    Ungrounding Homo Ludens: on Agamben and Modern Sports.Sandra Meeuwsen - 2021 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 16 (3):318-332.
    In this paper, I argue that the central ontological presupposition in the philosophy of sport is the ‘sport-as-play’ paradigm. In reconstructing its archaeological origins, a normative narrative is...
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    Virtue, Practical Wisdom and Character in Teaching.Sandra Cooke & David Carr - 2014 - British Journal of Educational Studies 62 (2):91-110.
    Recent reflection on the professional knowledge of teachers has been marked by a shift away from more reductive competence and skill-focused models of teaching towards a view of teacher expertise as involving complex context-sensitive deliberation and judgement. Much of this shift has been inspired by an Aristotelian conception of practical wisdom (phronesis) also linked by Aristotle to the development of virtue and character. This has in turn led recent educational philosophers and theorists – inspired by latter-day developments in virtue ethics (...)
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    Research 2.0: Social Networking and Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genomics.Sandra Soo-Jin Lee & LaVera Crawley - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (6-7):35-44.
    The convergence of increasingly efficient high throughput sequencing technology and ubiquitous Internet use by the public has fueled the proliferation of companies that provide personal genetic information (PGI) direct-to-consumers. Companies such as 23andme (Mountain View, CA) and Navigenics (Foster City, CA) are emblematic of a growing market for PGI that some argue represents a paradigm shift in how the public values this information and incorporates it into how they behave and plan for their futures. This new class of social networking (...)
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    Charles Peirce's Pragmatic Pluralism.Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1994 - State University of New York Press.
    This work runs counter to the traditional interpretations of Peirce's philosophy by eliciting an inherent strand of pragmatic pluralism that is embedded in the very core of his thought and that weaves his various doctrines into a systematic ...
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    A Theory of Popular Power.Sandra Leonie Field - 2022 - Journal of Social and Political Philosophy 1 (2):136-151.
    I propose a theory of popular power, according to which a political order manifests popular power to the extent it robustly maintains an egalitarian basic structure. There are two parts to the theory. First, the power of a political order lies in the basic structure's robust self-maintenance. Second, the popularity of the political order’s power lies in the equality of relations between the society's members. I will argue that this theory avoids the perverse consequences of some existing radical democratic theories (...)
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    Intérêts et limites du travail familial avec une fratrie migrante d'adolescents...multitraumatisés.Sandra Guigueno - 2012 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 196 (2):73-83.
    Résumé L’article interroge l’approche familiale des adolescents nouvellement immigrés ayant subi de nombreux traumatismes de guerre. Il montre que la consultation familiale peut être une voie d’accès aux soins. Au travers de cas cliniques, la question du fraternel est interrogée dans cette période de reconstruction d’un passé difficile, pendant l’adolescence où confrontation au réel et à la loi symbolique du père et recherche identitaire peuvent s’exacerber. Les difficultés d’apprentissage, les problèmes identitaires, les symptômes multiples au sein de la même famille (...)
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    In inner models with Woodin cardinals.Sandra Müller & Grigor Sargsyan - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (3):871-896.
    We analyze the hereditarily ordinal definable sets $\operatorname {HOD} $ in $M_n[g]$ for a Turing cone of reals x, where $M_n$ is the canonical inner model with n Woodin cardinals build over x and g is generic over $M_n$ for the Lévy collapse up to its bottom inaccessible cardinal. We prove that assuming $\boldsymbol \Pi ^1_{n+2}$ -determinacy, for a Turing cone of reals x, $\operatorname {HOD} ^{M_n[g]} = M_n,$ where $\mathcal {M}_{\infty }$ is a direct limit of iterates of $M_{n+1}$, (...)
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    Mead and Merleau-Ponty: Toward a Common Vision.Sandra B. Rosenthal & Patrick L. Bourgeois - 1991 - State University of New York Press.
    Unites George Herbert Mead and Maurice Merleau-Ponty in a shared rejection of substance philosophy as well as spectator theory of knowledge, in favor of a focus on the ultimacy of temporal process and the constitutive function of social praxis.
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    Glenn langford:Philosophy and education.Sandra Coltheart - 1970 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 2 (2):57–66.
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    Zu Agrippas caeruleum vexillum.Sandra Scheuble-Reiter - 2020 - História 69 (1):95.
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    Praxeology and Agency in J. L. Austin.Sandra Laugier - 2022 - Philosophia Scientiae 26:151-172.
    Que chez J. L. Austin le langage soit action n’est pas nouveau. Il est toutefois important de comprendre – et cela est plus radical – comment l’introduction de l’idée des actes de langage transforme non seulement la conception du langage, mais la conception de l’action et fragilise conjointement la signification, et l’action. Chez Austin, c’est le triplet « acte de langage »/« échec »/« excuse » qui est central – j’essaierai à partir de cette articulation de montrer en quel sens, (...)
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  14.  22
    La forme logique de la vie.Sandra Laugier - 2022 - Archives de Philosophie 85 (2):77-97.
    Résumé Les discussions contemporaines du concept fécond de forme de vie ont permis de mettre en évidence à quel point le concept de forme lui-même est essentiel chez Wittgenstein, structurant la continuité entre le premier et le second Wittgenstein. En passant de la « forme logique » au concept de forme de vie, Wittgenstein entend renoncer à une unité « de forme » pour passer à une « famille » de structures apparentées. Mais la logique ne disparaît pas – au (...)
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    Introduction to the French edition of Must We Mean What We Say?Sandra Laugier - 2011 - Critical Inquiry 37 (4):627-651.
    Must We Mean What We Say? is Stanley Cavell's first book, and, in a sense, it is his most important. It contains all the themes that Cavell continues to develop masterfully throughout his philosophy. There is a renewed usage of J. L. Austin's theory of speech acts, and, in the classic essay “The Availability of Wittgenstein's Later Philosophy,” he establishes the foundations of a radical reading of Ludwig Wittgenstein , the connections among skepticism, acknowledgement, and Shakespearean tragedy ; there is (...)
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    Peirce's Ultimate Logical Interpretant and Dynamical Object: A Pragmatic Perspective.Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1990 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 26 (2):195 - 210.
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    Pragmatism's Shared Metaphysical Vision: A Symposium on Sandra B. Rosenthal's "Speculative Pragmatism".Andrew J. Reck, John E. Smith & Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1987 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 23 (3):341 - 380.
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  18. The Greatest Difficulty for Plato’s Theory of Forms: the Unknowability Argument of Parmenides 133c—134c.Sandra Peterson - 1981 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 63 (1):1-16.
  19.  25
    Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society by Catherine R. Stimpson; Woman and Nature: The Roaring within Her by Susan Griffin.Sandra Harding - 1980 - Isis 71:662-664.
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    What is required to institutionalize Kant’s cosmopolitan ideal?Sandra Raponi - 2014 - Journal of International Political Theory 10 (3):302-324.
    Although Kant argues that a world republic with coercive public law is the only rational way to secure a lawful cosmopolitan condition, he states that it is an unachievable ideal, and he proposes a voluntary, non-coercive federation of states as a substitute. While some scholars have criticized Kant for moving away from this ideal due merely to pragmatic considerations, I argue that his rejection of a coercive world republic is based on his conception of state sovereignty and what is required (...)
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  21.  44
    L'éthique comme politique de l'ordinaire.Sandra Laugier - 2009 - Multitudes 37 (2):80.
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    Tom's Story: An Unethical Tale?Sandra Harrison - 2007 - Ethics and Social Welfare 1 (2):216-218.
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    Conscience and Religious Freedom Division Marks Its First Anniversary with Action.Sandra H. Johnson - 2019 - Hastings Center Report 49 (2):4-5.
    In January 2018, the Trump administration established the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division within the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Civil Rights with the explicit goal of intensifying legal protection of religious and conscience objections in health care. The establishment of OCR’s new division illustrates the significant powers of administrative agencies to mold the substance of law without seeking legislative action. The mere formation of a division dedicated to protecting conscience rights is already having a significant impact; (...)
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    Classical american pragmatism: A common world.Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1983 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 21 (1):67-77.
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    Meaning and human behavior: Mead and Merleau-ponty.Sandra B. Rosenthal & Patrick L. Bourgeois - 1988 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 26 (3):339-349.
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    Pragmatism, Phenomenology and the World of Appearing Objects.Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1977 - International Philosophical Quarterly 17 (3):285-291.
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    Imperfect Garden: The Legacy of Humanism (review).Sandra Rudnick Luft - 2007 - Philosophy and Literature 31 (2):425-428.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Imperfect Garden: The Legacy of HumanismSandra Rudnick LuftImperfect Garden: The Legacy of Humanism, by Tzvetan Todorov; 254 pp. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2002, $45.00.Tzvetan Todorov begins Imperfect Garden with an arresting premise: that the greatest achievement of the modern age—the moderns' assertion of the freedom of the human will, unlimited by allegiances to God, nature, or reason—was the fruit of a pact with the devil. Though a familiar (...)
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    Identity, Morality, and Threat: Studies in Violent Conflict.David G. Alpher, Sandra I. Cheldelin, Rom Harre, S. Ayse Kadayifici-Orellana, Joseph V. Montville, Marc H. Ross, Dennis J. D. Sandole, Peter N. Stearns, Lena Tan & Edward A. Tiryakian (eds.) - 2006 - Lexington Books.
    Identity, Morality, and Threat offers a critical examination of the social psychological processes that generate outgroup devaluation and ingroup glorification as the source of conflict. Daniel Rothbart and Karyna Korostelina bring together essays analyzing the causal relationship between escalating violence and opposing images of the Self and Other.
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    (1 other version)¿Cómo logra Schopenhauer tomar conciencia de la voluntad en cuanto cosa en sí?Sandra Baquedano Jer - 2011 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 67:109-121.
    En este artículo sondearemos los modos de conciencia de un sujeto que intenta desencadenarse de la voluptuosidad y del dolor, dado que la conciencia que posibilita el descubrimiento de la voluntad en cuanto cosa en sí es fruto del éxtasis de su negación. Testimonios personales del filósofo aunados con referentes platónicos y kantianos entre la conciencia empírica y la mejor, ayudarán a esclarecer el desencadenamiento de la metafísica de la voluntad. In this article we shall delve into the conscience moods (...)
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    The metaphysical ecstasies in Schopenhauer's and De Quincey's thoughts.Sandra Baquedano Jer - 2009 - Discusiones Filosóficas 10 (15):97 - 111.
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    Merleau-Ponty, Lewis and Kant.Patrick L. Bourgeois & Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1983 - International Studies in Philosophy 15 (3):13-23.
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  32. What Factors Influenced Young Adults to Vote in the 2020 Presidential Election?Hye-Young Yun & Sandra Graham - forthcoming - Journal of Social Studies Research.
    Using data drawn from a racially/ethnically diverse sample of participants ( N = 1,489; 52% female; Mage_T1: 18.10; 34% Latino, 21% White, 20% Asian, 11% Black, 11% multiracial/multiethnic, and 3% other), we conducted a binary logistic regression to identify which factors during adolescence and early adulthood were associated with voting behavior in the 2020 presidential election. There were three main findings. First, young adults who had more cross-racial/ethnic friendships and those who participated in volunteer activities during their senior year of (...)
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    Charité, traduction radicale et prélogicité.Sandra Laugier - 2001 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 1 (1):63-83.
    L’A. présente la pertinence anthropologique de la thèse d’indétermination de la traduction de Quine, en suggérant qu’elle joue contre le relativisme, mais aussi contre une certaine forme d’universalisme : c’est ce que montre une analyse de la notion de prélogicité, critiquée par Quine qui invente à cette occasion le « principe de charité ». L’examen des usages et de la portée d’un tel principe, et sa confrontation aux thèses de Lévy-Bruhl, permet, au-delà de Quine, de repenser l’invocation devenue trop courante (...)
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    C. I. Lewis and the Paradox of the Esthetic.Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1971 - Tulane Studies in Philosophy 20:95-115.
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    From the Phenomenology of Time Toward Process Metaphysics: Pragmatism and Heidegger.Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1991 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 5 (3):161 - 179.
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    Leadership: Toward New Philosophical Foundations.Sandra B. Rosenthal & Rogene A. Buchholz - 1995 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 14 (3):25-41.
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    Logic and "Ontological Commitment": Lewis and Heidegger.Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1995 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 9 (4):247 - 255.
  38. The Pragmatic a Priori: A Study in the Epistemology of C. I. Lewis.Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1977 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 13 (1):84-86.
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    The "world" of C. I. Lewis.Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1969 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 29 (4):589-597.
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    The 'Would-Be' Present of C. S. Peirce.Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1968 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 4 (3):155 - 162.
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    GARCÍA VARAS, Ana (ed.), Filosofía de la imagen. Salamanca: Universidad de Salamanca, 2011.Sandra Santana - 2013 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 50:101-103.
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  42. Judaism and the Justification of Abortion for Nonmedical Reasons.B. Lubarsky Sandra - 1995 - In Elliot N. Dorff & Louis E. Newman (eds.), Contemporary Jewish ethics and morality: a reader. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 392.
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    Strengthening Capacity for Human Research Protections: A Joint Initiative of Yale University, CIDEIM, and UniValle.Gloria I. Palma Sandra L. Alfano, Laura E. Piedrahita, Kathleen T. Uscinski - 2012 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 34 (5):16.
    As an international IRB collaboration project, we set out to develop an approach to enhance the understanding of issues related to the conduct of human research with an international partner. While the larger project included two specific aims, the activities supporting the first aim are addressed in this paper—specifically, human research protection program capacity strengthening in Cali, Colombia, through the development of an infrastructure that supports the conduct of human research with appropriate protection of subjects and access to new resources (...)
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  44. O bioetičkoj edukaciji.Sandra Radenović - 2008 - Filozofija I Društvo 19 (3):315-317.
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    Introduction.Sandra L. Borden - 2023 - Journal of Media Ethics 38 (4):197-197.
    Earlier versions of the articles in this issue were originally presented at the inaugural Media Challenges to Digital Flourishing Symposium on Technology Ethics and Media Practices hosted by The Da...
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    Novel approaches to the assessment of frontal damage and executive deficits in traumatic brain injury.Sandra E. Black - 2002 - In Donald T. Stuss & Robert T. Knight (eds.), Principles of Frontal Lobe Function. Oxford University Press. pp. 448.
  47. Educating hearts: Seven characteristics of a good school [Book Review].Sandra Carroll - 2015 - The Australasian Catholic Record 92 (1):115.
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    Subjectividade Universal No Pensamento De Rousseau: Que Consciência?Sandra de Jesus Marques Coelho - 2012 - Phainomenon 25 (1):37-68.
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  49. Crônica: fronteira da narrativa histórica.Sandra Jatahy Pesavento - forthcoming - História.
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  50. On Rhythmic Modes.Sandra Pinegar - 1994 - Theoria 8:73.
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